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Please read and approve the new constitution

We require our members to vote to approve the amended constitution. The purpose of the new constitution is to remove a lot of the obstacles to growing our Committee to allow an increase in specific functions and to facilitate growth, and to remove the formalities surrounding Branches that simply wish to act as supporters groups without handling money on our behalf. The new rules therefore avoid the need for needless formalities. You can find the full document Below the voting button. Please note you will need to sign in to Microsoft so that we can ensure only one vote per person..

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The New Constitution

Ipswich Town FC Supporters' Club Constitution


Part A – Overview


**1. Name**

- Our group is called the Ipswich Town FC Supporters' Club, also known as the "Official" Ipswich Town FC Supporters' Club.

- We are based at Ipswich Town Football Club, Portman Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2DA.


**2. Purpose**


- **Support**: We aim to build a strong community of Ipswich Town FC supporters, both locally and internationally.


- **Representation**: We represent the views of our members to the Football Club and encourage mutual respect and understanding.


- **Promotion**: We advocate for the interests of Ipswich Town FC supporters in their relationship with the Football Club and within the wider football industry.


- **Conduct**: We strive to ensure good behaviour among all members and supporters.


- **Social Events**: We organize social activities for supporters, both in the UK and abroad.


- **Travel**: We support and facilitate travel for supporters to football matches, wherever they may be.


- **Friendships**: We foster positive relationships with supporters of other football clubs.


- **Charity**: We raise funds for local and chosen charities and cover administrative expenses, sometimes through sponsorships.


**3. Committee**

- The Supporters' Club is guided by a Committee of members. (Details in Part B)




**4. Branches**

- Branches of the Supporters' Club are encouraged to affiliate with us, and we keep records to ensure everyone stays connected. Branches follow their own set of guidelines (see Part C).


**5. Membership**

- If you're a season ticket holder, ITFC member, Junior Blues member, or part of an approved branch or group on platforms like Facebook or X, you're automatically a member of our Club.

- Membership is free of charge.


**6. Meetings**

- **Annual General Meeting (AGM)**: Held every year to:

   - Share a report on our activities.

   - Review and approve our financial accounts.

   - Confirm the Committee members.

   - Discuss any other important matters.

   - The AGM Meeting may be hosted online on as a physical meeting.

   - Members can participate through online voting before the AGM via our website.

- **Special General Meeting**: Can be arranged by the Committee or if 30 adult members request it in writing, stating the purpose of the meeting.

- Members aged 16 and older each have one vote at meetings.


**7. Finances**

- We maintain proper financial records and deposit all funds into a bank account.

- Our annual accounts will be shared at the AGM and online.

- Funds are used for the Club’s activities or may be donated to others, as decided by the Committee.

- If the Club ever dissolves, any remaining funds will be given to Ipswich Town Football Club or a similar organisation.


**8. Relationship with Ipswich Town Football Club**

- We manage and finance ourselves independently.

- The Committee will regularly share members' views with the Football Club's representatives. Meetings between the Club's Chairperson and Football Club officials will occur at least three times a year.









B – Guidelines for Conduct and Operations of the Committee


**1. Financial Year**

- The Club’s financial year runs from July 1st to June 30th each year, unless changed by the Committee. This is always a 12-month period.

- Each year, the Club’s financial accounts are reviewed and verified by a qualified person chosen by the Committee.


**2. Committee Operations**

- The Committee will have between 7 and 12 adult members, including:

   - A Chairperson

   - A Treasurer and Secretary (these roles may be combined if needed)

   - At least 5 other members to support the Club’s mission.

   - Committee members, including the Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and potentially a Vice-Chairperson, are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee can form sub-groups and assign roles as needed.

- Representatives from branches can attend Committee meetings and have a vote.

- All Committee members are re-elected yearly, either individually or as a group if unopposed.

- A representative from the Football Club may also attend meetings.

- The Committee can add more members if the group falls below the required number or if someone resigns during the year. These members will step down at the next AGM but can stand for election.

- The Committee can invite others to attend meetings, although they won’t have voting rights.

- Meetings will be held as needed, either in person or virtually, with minutes or key points recorded.

- Nominations for the Committee from outside the current group must be approved by the Committee and voted on by a majority.

- Only the Committee can make financial decisions or enter into contracts. The Chairperson may delegate spending authority, but any decisions must be recorded in the meeting minutes.


**3. Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings**

- The AGM is held every year, with no more than 13 months between meetings.

- Notice of the AGM will be posted on the Club’s website, social media, and, if possible, in the matchday programme at least 14 days before the meeting, sharing the time, place, and agenda. The notice may also be published in the press. Online voting is encouraged as per Section A, 6.1.

- An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called by the Committee or by a written request from at least 30 adult members, outlining the meeting’s purpose.

- During the AGM, Committee members can step down or offer themselves for re-election. Co-opted members can also stand for election. With approval from the outgoing Chair, a co-opted member can be elected Chair. New or co-opted members can take on other roles.

- Voting can be done by a show of hands or ballot paper, depending on what the Chairperson thinks is best. Constitutional changes need a 75% majority, while other votes are decided by a simple majority. In case of a tie, the Chairperson has the final say. Re-elections can be done in bulk if appropriate. Online votes are counted equally, as outlined in Section A, 6.1.

- For a meeting to proceed, the number of attendees must be at least double the number of Committee members present, plus one. For example, if 8 Committee members attend, 9 other Supporters Club members are needed. At the AGM, changes to the constitution and then Committee elections will be handled first, with newly elected members counting toward the quorum.


**4. Finances**

- The Club has a General account at a chosen bank, and at least two signatures from the Chairperson, Secretary, or Treasurer are required for cheques. Electronic or card payments must be approved by the Treasurer.

- Additional accounts for specific purposes can be opened, with at least two signatures required.


**5. Rule Changes**

- Any proposed changes to the rules will be presented to members at a General Meeting and can be adopted, amended, or repealed by a 75% majority vote.


**6. Committee Membership**

- Committee members can be suspended or removed for not following the rules or for other valid reasons, with at least two-thirds of the Committee voting in favour.


**7. Relationship with Ipswich Town Football Club**

- The Committee manages all communications with the Football Club on behalf of members and branches.


**8. President and Vice Presidents**

- The Committee may appoint a President and Vice Presidents







Part C: Constitution and Guidelines for Branches




- **Formal Branch:** A group that chooses to raise and manage money on behalf of the Supporters Club.

- **Supporters Group:** A branch that does not handle money. These groups are often organized through social media, focusing on meeting to watch matches together or arranging transport. They follow the Supporters Club's objectives and expectations but are not required to appoint officers or report activities.


Both **Formal Branches** and **Supporters Groups** are considered Branches and are treated equally. However, Supporters Groups only need to follow Sections 1 and 2 below.


**Annual Confirmation:** Formal Branches must confirm to the Supporters Club Secretary each year that they wish to maintain their formal status.




**1. Branch Name**


- The branch is called the Ipswich Town FC Supporters’ Club Branch (referred to as "the Branch").



**2. Branch Objectives and Purpose**


- Encourage support for Ipswich Town Football Club.

- Follow the Constitution and Rules of the Ipswich Town FC Supporters’ Club while remaining self-governing and self-financing.

- Contribute to the overall goals of the Supporters’ Club, maintaining independence but working together to achieve shared objectives.

- Assist the Football Club when requested by the Supporters’ Club Committee.

- Promote the interests of Ipswich Town Football Club supporters.

- Encourage and maintain good conduct among Branch members to uphold the reputation of Ipswich Town supporters.

- Foster social activities among supporters.

- Encourage travel to football matches.

- Promote friendly relations with supporters of all football clubs.

- Keep the Supporters’ Club Committee informed of any business with the Football Club.



**3. Branch Management**


- The Branch is managed by a Committee, which includes a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and other members as needed.

- Committee members are elected by adult members at the Annual General Meeting. They serve for up to three years but can be re-elected.

- The Committee may invite others to attend meetings in a non-voting capacity.

- The Committee meets as needed, with a quorum formed by 50% of its members.

- The Supporters’ Club Committee oversees all Branches and can step in if necessary.



**4. Branch Finances**


- The Branch is fully responsible for its financial affairs. Any profits are reinvested in the Branch, and any losses are covered by the members. The Supporters’ Club Committee will not cover any losses.

- Detailed accounts, reviewed by a qualified person, must be available to every member at the Annual General Meeting and a copy sent to the Supporters’ Club Treasurer.

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