What's on our Agenda?
It's Important to share and help fans understand what we consider important and are focusing our attention on.
As we head into a new year, here's a few things that are occupying our attention.
Increasing the "Frequency and Quality" of events for supporters
Supporting the Launch of the Fans Advisory Board and how we can capture maximum advantage to support our Fans
The recruitment of a brand new role, a Diversity representative specifically responsible for helping us develop our Supporters Club in the Black and Asian Communities.
Using the FanZone area to offer consultancy to fans and to help our younger fans meet their peers in a safe and fun environment
Drive Fundraising through a Golf Day - Details should be published in the Spring
Delivering our new Constitution which will allow the team to expand, formalise voting rights of all fans worldwide and simplify the way in which Branches can run without old outdated "Red Tape".
Continuing to look for opportunities to expand our Branch Network Overseas
Looking to establish deeper and a wider portfolio of corporate partners to help us attract revenue that will cover costs of us doing more and more, whilst also improving our Charitable Fund Raising capacity.
And finally for now, Changing the way we deliver the Player Of The Year ceremony to make it far more inclusive at Player level across all teams, and to utilise Town TV and the Stadium Screen to ensure the awards can be witnessed by all fans by showing the awards to the widest audience pre game on the last day of the season.